Grounded in current research and best practice approach, our Wellbeing approach recognises the complex and dynamic nature of an individual’s physical, social, emotional, mental and spiritual health. Centered around Martin Seligman’s PERMAH Model, our students are guided and supported as they grow into resilient and self-aware people with the strength of character to thrive in a changing world.
Guided by our School Bible reading Colossians 3:12-17, each member of our community in encouraged to live by the values of:
- Displaying compassion
- Promoting justice
- Practicing humility
- Showing grace
- Sharing kindness
We have embedded these into our Restoration Domain that seeks to grow students, not only as learners, but more importantly as people who flourish, and who are characterised by kindness, grace, compassion, humility and seeking justice for others. Not only are students able to grow in their understanding, but we hope they might also grow in their true humanity and that their capacity to learn might empower them to change the world, little by little, foreshadowing the final restoration at the end of time.
All students are encouraged to demonstrate patience and self-control and to seek justice for the oppressed, to be ready to make sacrifices so that they might be a blessing to those around them.