There are numerous clubs and activities available across both campuses. They are offered to different year groups according to suitability. The younger Junior Students are offered play-based activities and clubs that provide them with opportunities to collaborate and increase their problem solving skills as well as learning new physical coordination skills. The older students are also offered activities that challenge them mentally, physically and spiritually. Pictured below is a sample of the clubs and activities on offer across the School.
Audio Engineers & Stage Lighting
Crusader Groups for all ages
Digital Technologies
Maker Space - building through play
Lego Robotics
Enrichment - Minecraft
Sports Skills for Younger Students
Spoken Arts
Students at St Luke's are encouraged to participate in Debating and Public Speaking opportunities. The development of skills in analysis and the practice in expressing ideas clearly, logically, and persuasively equips our young people for their professional and personal lives beyond the School.
Students in Years 5 to 12 represent St Luke's in the prestigious Independent Schools' Debating Association (ISDA) Competition. Students also participate in the International Debating Championships (IDC).
Public Speaking
Senior School students have the opportunity to participate in various competitions including the Plain English Speaking Award and the Legacy Junior Public Speaking Competition. Each year in the Junior School, students take part in various internal speaking competitions, including the NSW Parliament Bear Pit competition (Dee Why only).
Mock Trial (Years 10 & 11)
St Luke’s offers students the opportunity to participate in the NSW Mock Trial Competition. Open to students in Years 10 and 11, the program aims to introduce students to the NSW judicial system by providing practical experience in the running of a court case in a true-to-life adversarial setting. Students learn advocacy, debating, critical thinking and problem-solving skills. They collaborate to prepare their case, and during the trial they have to think on their feet and respond to unseen evidence which can either confirm or contradict their carefully laid plans.
This program is particularly beneficial to Year 11 Legal Studies students and provides them with a practical opportunity to increase their understanding of the law.